She had volunteered for the service some time 
ago, and was looking forward to serving her country.

The sign at the induction center read "new recruits this 
way", so she followed it and ended up in a room with 
eight young males who were also waiting for 
instructions. After some small talk, they were quieted 
by a sergeant, who entered with some male nurses. 

"OK, fall in!" he barked, as everyone lined up.

"First, the physical. Remove your shirt, shoes and pants 
and get ready for the examination" he ordered. 

"What room do you want me to go to?" asked Victoria. 

"You're in the room! Now keep quiet and do as you are 
told", the sergeant snapped. 

"But, there are GUYS in here!" Victoria replied. 

It didn't matter. This was the first week of the new, 
fully integrated armed forces, where there was now 
absolutely no special treatment for any reason.

Victoria blushed as she stood in bra, panties and socks 
in front of the other male recruits who were also in 
their underwear. The guys kept glancing over to her and 
smirking. Victoria tried to avert her eyes, but the 
temptation of looking at several hunks in their skivvies 
was just too much.

One by one, each recruit was called to the middle of the 
room, had their blood pressure taken, and had the usual 
eye, ear, nose and throat exam. 

Next, everyone was marched down the hall to another 
room. Standing in a single line, each recruit was again 
called to the middle of the room one by one, so that 
arms and legs could be examined. 

When it was Victoria's turn, the nurse made her put her 
arms out. "Good muscle tone," he said as he felt her 
arms and forearms. He examined her hands. "Gotta trim 
these fingernails," he said as he took out the nail 

"Do you have to?" asked Victoria. 

"Regulations," the nurse replied as he clipped each nail 
right down. 

She was always proud of her long, sexy fingernails, but 
regulations were regulations. 

Bending down, the nurse felt her legs and ankles. "Good 
muscle tone" he repeated to his assistant, as he lifted 
up Victoria's left leg by the ankle and stripped off her sock. 
Examining her bare foot, he remarked "No bunions or corns, but she's got three hammertoes. Normal arching. Slight foot odor." 

Victoria was always a little shy about her feet, and now 
here they were being held up bare in front of everyone 
with the nurse describing them! She was totally 
embarrassed. The nurse lifted her right leg, pulled off her other sock, and examined that foot, too. "Now, hold still", the nurse ordered as he reached for the nail clippers again. "Hey, not my toenails, too!" she complained. 

"You're in the army now lady, not some fashion show," 
replied the sergeant as the nurse took Victoria's little 
foot in his hand, spread her toes and started clipping. 

"Hey, you're cuttin' 'em too short!" Victoria protested. 

"Regulations, lady," replied the nurse as he clipped 
away. Reaching her big toenail, he held it with his 
thumb and forefinger. "What the hell is this thing, a 
bayonet? You broads have been a pain in the ass all 
week," he complained as he clipped it short. The nurse 
did the same with her other foot. 

Victoria looked at her now ultra-short finger and 
toenails, and sighed. She went back in line with the 

Then, everyone marched to another room.

One by one, the new recruits were called to the middle 
of the room for a respiratory check. The men's t-shirts 
were removed and a male nurse tapped and listened with a 
stethoscope to back and then chest. When it was 
Victoria's turn, the nurse started to unclasp her bra. 

"Hey, you can't do that!" she protested, but it was 
removed anyway. Victoria quickly put her arms across her 
tits. A couple of guys chuckled. Her backbone was 
examined and listened to with a stethoscope. 

Then, she was turned around and her arms were pulled 
away from her chest. "Hold on! This isn't fair!" she 
protested as a couple of the guys whistled. 

"Keep it down, you guys," ordered the Sergeant. 

With her breasts and nipples in full view, the nurse 
listened to her chest with the stethoscope. "Normal" he 
remarked, as Victoria covered her boobs with her arms 
and went back in line. While in line, the sergeant 
looked at her and said, "Put those arms down lady, just 
like everyone else." 

"Sergeant, this is embarrassing!" answered Victoria. 

"Not my problem, lady. Down like the others," he 

Single file, the recruits marched again to another room, 
this time in just underpants--or in Victoria's case--
just panties.

Ordered to keep her hand by her sides in marching 
position, there was no way that Victoria could cover her 
tits, which were now completely bare with her hard 
nipples pointing straight out. Occasionally, a male 
solider would catch a glimpse and give a wolf-whistle, 
and Victoria would shoot back a dirty look. 

Upon arrival, the first recruit stepped to the middle of 
the room, and turned his back. His shorts were pulled 
down in the rear, and he received a shot in the butt. 
Then, he was turned around. His shorts were pulled all 
the way down in front and removed. 

Victoria was shocked at the casual way that the soldier 
was stripped nude right in front of everybody! She 
wondered what would happen when it was her turn. 
Certainly they would take her to another room, wouldn't 

"Spread 'em, solider," the nurse ordered, as his penis 
and balls were examined. Then he was turned around 
again. His buttcheeks were spread, and his butthole was 
lubed up. The nurse put his hand in a rubber glove, 
lubed it up, and jammed a finger up the soldier's ass. 
He jumped a little. 

Victoria braced herself. She was next. She walked to the 
center of the room. "C'mon, there are guys here! Can't 
we do this in another room. I mean, I don't think....." 
she began, but the nurses paid no attention. 

It was business as usual as she was turned around in 
mid-sentence, her panties pulled down in the rear, and 
was given a shot. Then Victoria was turned around facing 
forward. The nurse grabbed the elastic on her panties 
and started to pull them down. 

"Hey! Wait a minute! Can't you at least leave THESE 
on?!?" she exclaimed. Her protest was ignored. Her 
panties were pulled all the way down, removed and taken 
away. She quickly put her hand over her private area for 

"Come on lady, quit bein' a baby," the male nurse said, 
as he yanked her hand away, revealing Victoria's little, 
curly bush. 

Now fully nude from head to toe in a room full of guys, 
she blushed deeply with embarrassment. A couple of more 
whistles from the guys. 

The sergeant barked, "Settle down!"

Victoria couldn't believe what was happening. Full 
integration of the army had finally happened... right 
down to the physical.

"Spread 'em, soldier," the nurse ordered. 

"But..." she began but was interrupted by the sergeant 
who barked, "That's an order!" 

Victoria reluctantly complied, as the nurse stuck his 
two fingers inside of her cunt and felt around. "Oh! 
Ouch! Take it easy!" Victoria complained, as the nurse 
kept feelin around inside. 

The whole scene was strangely erotic, and she started to 
get wet. Victoria thought to herself "Oh man, I hope I 
don't have an orgasm and cum right in front of 
everybody." The squishing sounds from the examination 
were embarrassing.

"I still can't get used to doin' an exam on broads," the 
male nurse muttered. Then, just like the others, 
Victoria was turned around, he butt cheeks were spread 
wide, and her butthole was lubed up right in full view 
of everyone, much to her complete humiliation. A gloved 
finger went up her butt. 

"Yeeeoooow!" she squealed and gasped as the nurse felt 

Examination over, Victoria got back in line. Again, she 
tried to cover up by placing her arms across her boobs 
and her hand over her cunt, but the nurse pulled her 
arms away. "The sergeant said 'attention'," the nurse 

"This is NOT FAIR!" Victoria shot back. "I'm a girl, for 
Christ sake!"

"Look," the nurse began. "You broads wanted equal 
treatment in the armed forces. The only way is to treat 
you the same in every, single way." 

He was right. There was nothing Victoria could do. She 
would have to come to grips with the fact that men and 
women's modesty was now a thing of the past.

When all the other recruits were finished, the sergeant 
ordered everyone to fall in. Poor Victoria stood in line 
totally naked with all of the male recruits, who were 
also completely nude. The guy next to her glanced over, 
took at look at Victoria, and got turned on. His dick 
rose to an erection. 

"What's the matter soldier?" asked the sergeant, "Never 
seen a naked chick before?"

"Sorry Sarge, I can't help it," he replied sheepishly as 
he looked toward Victoria. "I mean... she ain't got 
nothin' on!"

Victoria shot a look at the guy's dick and chuckled to 
herself. She was a little turned on too, but could keep 
it to herself. When you are a guy there is no hiding it! 

The sergeant pointed at Victoria.

"You! Step forward!" he barked

Victoria walked out two paces and stopped.

"Turn to face this soldier" the sergeant ordered.

She turned to face him.

"Jack him off!" the sergeant commanded.

"But Sarge!!....." Victoria began, but was immediately cut off.

"That’s an order, Lady! Get this clown off so we can have no more distractions!" he snapped.

Victoria got down on her knees and faced the situation.

"Soldier, put your hands behind your back and spread ‘em", the sergant barked.

The soldier did as he was told. 

"Sarge, this is embarrassing! And right in front of everybody!" the soldier protested.

"I don’t care if it’s embarrassing or not, just shut up and do as you’re told! The sergeant ordered.
The soldier’s dick was rock-hard, had a big head, and was sticking straight out. He had ample pubes and pretty sizable balls. Victoria gingerly put her hand around his cock and gently started pulling.

"Come on lady, you’re a big girl, you’ve done this before. Go for it and hurry up!" the sergeant ordered.

Victoria started pulling the guy’s dick up and down rapidly. After about thirty seconds, cream shot out in seven or eight powerful spurts.

"Nice load, Williams" one soldier teased

"Yah, good lookin’" another one chimed in.

"Cut it out you guys" the Sergeant  

Victoria let go of the soldier’s now flaccid dick as it flopped down. 

"Fall back in, Lady" the sergeant ordered, and Victoria took her place back line.

"Listen up. This is a whole new ballgame. You guys better get used to having naked female soldiers around, so get your hopped-up minds off of 
sex, and keep your dicks under control," he lectured.  

Victoria wondered what on earth could be next. She soon 
found out.

"Next is complete shaving and de-lousing," said the 
sergeant, as the nurses were handed electric shavers. 

Up to now, girls were allowed some hair length, but not any more.

Victoria was shaved right down to the skull just like her male 

The nurses went down the line shaving all body hair, including underarms, legs, up the butt, and around the private parts. When the male nurse got to Victoria, he shaved her legs, pits and up the butt, too. Then he looked at her snatch and remarked to his assistant "broads are easy". All eyes were on Victoria as…….zip zip zip zip….. her cunt was shaved hairless. 

To the sound of various wolf-whistles, Victoria looked down at her snatch. "Oh well, I guess being a girl has its advantages," remarked Victoria loudly to the other soldiers. 

Everybody laughed. 

Then everyone, including Victoria, marched naked into 
the locker room and dressed in their fatigues. By now, 
all sexuality was eliminated. Victoria was just another 

In the upcoming weeks, more female soldiers were completely integrated into the service, with absolutely no special consideration. They got their physical together, used the same bathroom, sat on toilets side by side, and showered together. At first, some guys got aggressive and went into a sexual frenzy, but after a while they settled down. It actually became the real test of a male soldier’s discipline to shower next to a woman without getting hard, much less to make a move. Those that couldn’t control themselves were given an immediate discharge upon the very first epidode. It turned out to be the ultimate way of eliminating sexual attacks in the military. Nothing to hide. No mystery. Everything out in the open. 

Sometimes, I wonder if this would actually work.

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